Group Members

Welcome to the VASST Lab!

Jump to staff, master and bachelor students, alumni, administrative support, lab visitors.


Dr. Terry Peters

Professor, Robarts scientist

  • Professor Medical Imaging, Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering
  • Postdoctoral Fellow - Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland, 1974
  • PhD - Electrical Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1973
  • BEng Hons - Bachelor of Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1969

Dr. Elvis Chen

Professor, Robarts scientist

  • Professor Medical Biophysics
  • Postdoctoral Fellow - Computer Science, Queen's University, Canada, 2009
  • PhD - Computer Science, Queen’s University, Canada, 2007
  • MSc - Master of Computer Science, Queen’s University, Canada
  • BScH - Bachelor of Computer Science, Queen’s University, Canada


Adam Rankin

Robarts Research Hardware Engineer

  • Research Interests - Minimally invasive cardiac surgery guidance


Dr. Wenyao Xia

Postdoc, Researcher at Robarts (since 2016)

  • PhD - Medical Biophysics, Western University, Canada, 2021
  • MESc - Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 2013
  • BSc - Engineering Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 2011

Dr. Patrick Carnahan

Postdoc, Researcher at Robarts

  • PhD – Biomedical Engineering, Western University, Canada, 2023
  • BSc - Computer Science, Western University, 2018
  • Research Interests - Image processing of 3D ultrasound with a focus on cardiac ultrasound, and heart valve procedure planning.

Graduate (PhD, Master) Students

Joeana Cambranis Romero

PhD Student, started 2022

  • MESc - Master of Biomedical Engineering, Western University, Canada, 2022
  • BME - Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Merida, Mexico

Shuwei Xing

PhD Student, started 2020

  • PhD - Biomedical Engineering, Western University, Canada, expected graduation 2024
  • MSc - Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, 2019
  • BSc - Electrical Engineering and Automation, Northeast Electric Power University, China, 2016

Daniel Allen

PhD Student, started 2020

  • PhD - Biomedical Engineering, Western University, expected graduation 2024
  • MESc - Biomedical Engineering, Western University, 2020
  • BSc - Computer Science, Western University, 2018

Mateen Mirzaei

Master’s Student, started 2023

  • MSc - Medical Biophysics, Western University, expected graduation 2025
  • BMSc - Medical Biophysics, Western University, 2023

Undergraduate Students

Connor Haines

Undergraduate Student

  • BSc - Bachelor of Computer Science (HSP), Western University, Canada, 2023
  • Minor - Software Engineering, Western University, Canada, 2023
  • Research - Capstone Team, augmented reality medical imaging

Ido Chen

Undergraduate Student

  • BSc - Bachelor of Science, Western University, Canada, 2023

Michellie Choi

Undergraduate Student

  • BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Western University, Canada, 2024
  • Work - St. Joseph's Healthcare Centre, Department of Thoracic Surgery, 2020-2021
  • University of Toronto Schools, 2013-2019

Emma Zhang

Undergraduate Student

  • BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Western University, Canada, 2026

Olivia Qi

Undergraduate Student

  • BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Western University, Canada, 2026

Jessica Lei

Undergraduate Student

  • BASc - Biomedical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2027

Arthur Wang

Undergraduate Student

  • BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Western University, Canada, 2026

Charles Yuan

Undergraduate Student

  • BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Western University, Canada, 2026
  • IB Bayview Secondary School, Richmond Hill, 2018-2022

Visiting Scholars

Dr. Ryo Furukawa

Professor, Scientist

  • Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kindai University, Japan
  • PhD - Information Engineering, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), 1997
  • BSc - 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 1993


Tara Kemper

Undergraduate Student

  • BSc - Bachelor of Science - Honours Specialization in Medical Physics, Western University, Canada, 2023
  • VASST Lab summer researcher and Honours Thesis student

Finlay Ferguson

Undergraduate Student

  • Western University, Canada, 2023
  • 4th Year Capstone Project student

XuanRan (Oscar) Qi

Undergraduate Student

  • Western University, Canada, 2023
  • 4th Year Capstone Project student

Justin Weller

Undergraduate Student

  • Western University, Canada, 2023
  • 4th Year Capstone Project student

Former visitors, BSc/ MSc students


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Master students

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__, Fall 2015

Bachelor Students

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(), Spring 2019

Administrative Support